Fruit inventory that can and cannot be eaten during menstruation

The menstrual period is a special period for women. During this time, the female's endocrine environment changes, physical fitness declines, and it is vulnerable to viruses. So what kind of fruit is good during menstruation?


What kind of fruit is good for menstrual period

Fruits have a good conditioning effect on the female body. If a woman is in the menstrual period, she can also eat some good fruits.

So what do women eat during the menstrual period? Experts said that regular consumption of fruits during menstruation can prevent constipation and avoid pelvic congestion, however, some cold fruits are not suitable for heavy consumption during menstruation. During menstruation, women can eat some warm or hot fruits, such as durian, ginseng fruit, litchi, longan, jujube, peach, cherry, pomegranate and other fruits, which can be exchanged between the three early, middle, and evening meals.

Fruits such as apples, grapes, figs, etc., are also suitable for women during menstruation.

Cold fruits such as persimmon, mango, watermelon, kiwi and other cold foods, women should try to eat less during the menstrual period, after the menstrual period can be appropriate to eat.

Menstrual period can not eat fruit

It is generally believed that women should avoid eating cold foods during menstruation. Chinese medicine believes that blood is hot and it is cold. Menstrual period raw cold food, one is impeded digestion, and the other easily hurt the body yang, resulting in internal cold, cold stagnation, can make the menstrual blood running poor, causing menstrual bleeding, and even dysmenorrhea.

According to Chinese medicine, women's menstrual blood is the exfoliation of the endometrium, and menstrual blood is excreted by contraction of the uterus. When eating cold foods, the temperature of the stomach and intestines falls, affecting the contraction of the uterus. The menstrual blood is more difficult to excrete, and blood clots form. The uterus In order to expel the blood clots, the intensity of contraction has to be increased. This is the reason that eating cold foods may cause menstrual pain.

The typical representative of cold fruit is watermelon. Although watermelon contains a lot of water, a variety of amino acids and sugar, with heat Qingshu, refreshing and thirst-quenching effect, but watermelon cold and slippery, also known as "cold melon", even normal people should not be excessive consumption of menstrual women should be cautious Eat it. In addition to watermelons, cold fruits that women should try to eat less during menstruation include melon (melon), grapefruit, persimmon, kiwi fruit, star fruit, mulberry, mango, and mangosteen.

In addition, Chinese medicine also believes that sour and astringent foods have astringent and astringent effects, and that women will make blood vessels contract and blood astringent after eating, which is not conducive to the smooth movement and discharge of menstrual blood. Therefore, dysmenorrhea should not eat such foods.

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