Feeding and Breeding of Boer Goats in South China

I. Superiority of Intensive Breeding of Boer Goats Boer goats are native to the Republic of South Africa and are the only meat goat species currently recognized as the best in the world. Its adaptability, high reproduction rate. Fast growth, strong resistance to disease, high slaughter rate, delicious and tender meat, no smell, deeply welcomed by consumers at home and abroad. Although the raising cost of intensive goats is higher, the feeding of Boer goats can fully guarantee nutrients, and it can also avoid adverse weather conditions such as rain and storms in the south. The southern region is constantly green throughout the year, and through good husbandry and management, the Boer goats can have good broil and enjoy good broiler breeding, and the mating period is correspondingly advanced. The lambing rate is increased, which makes up for the lack of investment in the area. Shepherding can avoid sheep grazing in the mountains. The dangers of eating poisonous grass poisoning only. Boer goats have strong feeding power, and have a large feed intake. The utilization rate of hay or silage corn with short straw or kneading can reach 90%, and the utilization rate of fresh grass can reach 100%. The use of pellets under housekeeping conditions ensures the nutritional balance required for the breeding sheep. All the excreta of the Boer goats were collected and applied to farmland or pasture. Not only did the environment be purified, but the agricultural output was also increased. Promotes a virtuous cycle of ecological environment. Second, the construction principle of the Boer goat pens is based on the fact that the southern China has hot and humid air, many rainy weather, and moist soil. I have a high site, good ventilation, and relatively dry conditions. Put a large shed in front of the bar to shelter from the rain, prevent sun exposure, and provide air and light transmission. The venue for sheep activities is large. The trough is built in a greenhouse and the area of ​​the playground is more than five times larger than the area of ​​the trellis, which is convenient for sheep activities. Lambs and bred sheep houses are equipped with high beds. They are made of wood or fir tails and are 40 to 50 centimeters from the ground. The sheep's bed is cleaned once a day and the bed is cleaned once a week. We also built a special round runway for sheep sports. 3. Supply of forage material under house-feeding conditions 1. Recycling of discarded green corn stalks as green fodder and simultaneous production of silage corn. My site is in the Pearl River Delta, adjacent to Guangzhou, Foshan and Shunde. The land is fertile, the climate is mild, and there is abundant rainfall. The planting industry can be used for three crops a year. Green corn stalks can be harvested at a low price from April to January of each year. After a short period of time, they will be fed with green fodder and silage corn will be produced to meet the needs of the whole year's sheep. 2. Storage hay. My site is located in the hills and mountains of Gaoming City. The weeds are flourishing. In the dry season that begins in October each year, a large amount of green hay is purchased to meet the needs of sheep in the rainy season. 3. Planting green feed. We took full advantage of the hillside land around the sheep farm, planted some stalks of grass, dwarfs, and ryegrass. At the same time, we provided the local people with the above grass species and then recovered the grass. The green season continues, especially the need for green feed for pregnant ewes, lambs, and rams. 4. Preparation of concentrate supplements. We designed a comprehensive nutrition supplement formula, commissioned the nearest feed mill, processed into pellets, regular delivery, better solve the supply of concentrate. Fourth, feeding and management of Boer goats 1. Reasonable grouping, feeding in groups. According to the sheep's gender, age, strength and weakness, and physiological stage grouping and columning, hand-feeding. Posts, responsibilities, and economic interests are closely related to individuals. 2. Reasonable structure of grass. We use spring, summer and autumn to mainly use grass, silage corn and green corn stalks. When it is insufficient, we can supply hay. In winter and early spring, silage corn and green hay are the main ingredients, and fresh grass is used. The pellets were added with 20% Stylosanthus or D. arundinacea hay powder and 2% additives. 3. Develop keeper operating procedures. Before the breeder is on duty, he must first train, must master the basic knowledge of feeding techniques and raising sheep, and ask the breeder to be responsible and hardworking, and to keep the breeder team relatively stable. 4. Strengthen the management of newborn lambs. Lambs should eat colostrum as soon as possible, obtain more maternal antibodies, and do well in the health and warmth of lambs. To do a good job in the breeding of maternal lambs, the first step is to use milk, and it must be fed with full milk. Second, we must make up the grass and materials as soon as possible. With the increase in the age of the lamb, the expansion of stomach volume, the nutrition of milk alone can not meet the needs of the growth and development of lambs, must be timely to add grass, materials, generally start feeding about 10 days, about 15 days to start eating grass, With fresh green grass and concentrates, the supply will gradually increase. 5. Strengthen the feeding and nursing of lambs during the weaning period. At this stage, the lambs rely on grass and materials as raw materials and must feed enough to feed them. Ten points can be fed once at night. At the same time, it is necessary to allow the lamb to exercise in proper quantity and to get more sun and prevent the occurrence of respiratory and digestive tract diseases. 5. Breeding of Boer Goats Under the conditions of feeding on our farms, due to the reasonable and comprehensive nutrient supply, the sheep have a good lyrical condition, and the ewes can have estrus throughout the year. The rate of this conception is 100%. More than 70% of the animals produce more than double lambs. The birth weight of single lambs was more than 4 kg, the weight of twin lambs was 3-4 kg, and the survival rate of lambs was 95%. The company currently has 12 elite rams and nearly 200 elite ewes that have been bred in South Africa. Their offspring have demonstrated excellent production performance. Among them, the highest weight of the 2 months old lamb has reached 30 kilograms, and the average daily weight gain is 425 grams. In order to accelerate the breeding of excellent breeding sheep, we introduced Australian embryo transfer technology and used 60 young ewes (8-10 months old). As a donor, the average number of embryos collected per ewes was 8.4. And have all been transplanted to local sheep. We have planned to carry out two more factory-transformed embryo transfers in June and October 2000. The number of donor sheep is over 100. It is expected that by the beginning of 2001, 600-800 of the outstanding offspring of South African Boer goats will be provided to the society. VI. Actively Selecting and Breeding Breeds of Boer Goats Since the entry of Boer Goats, the enterprise standards for Boer goats in my field have been formulated, and the recent breeding plan for breeds has been compiled, and the species necessary for breeding has been printed. The ram cards, breeding ewes cards, ewes mating and lambing records, growth and development records, epidemic prevention records, and other forms, carried out a comprehensive variety of records. According to the breeding program and the corporate standards of Boer goat breeds, we have selected and cultivated eight ideal rams weighing more than 70 kilograms in 12 months and eliminated some low-grade ewes that do not meet the ideal standards. At the same time, according to analysis of various recorded data, sheep feed additives were added in a timely manner, feed formulations were adjusted, silage corn was produced, and feed methods for refined and rough materials were improved. These measures not only enabled the appearance and growth of the entire sheep. The development was significantly improved, and the supply of refined coarse material under the conditions of house feeding in the southern region was fundamentally solved, and the cost of feeding was reduced. After nearly two years of practice, Boer goats showed good performance. The average daily weight gain of male and female 3-5 months old was 231 grams, and the maximum daily weight gain was 425 grams. The average daily weight gain was 225 months. The maximum daily weight gain was 397 grams. The maximum weight of a 7-month-old ram was 56.9 kg. The maximum weight of a 10-month-old ram was 80 kg, and the average weight of a ram aged over 70 kg. These are the experiences and conclusions of our feeding Boer goats in the southern region. We wholeheartedly welcome colleagues from all walks of life to cooperate with us to discuss and develop China's meat goat industry.


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