Braised food production technology

Lu Cai is a dish prepared by preliminarily processing and dipping water in a marinade. Now the production technology is introduced as follows: First, the preparation of marinade Preparation of marinade, is the first key to do a good dish. The quality of the marinade preparation will directly affect the color and taste quality of the marinade. 6 The marinade can generally be divided into three categories: red marinade, yellow marinade and white marinade. 1. Red marinade. 20 grams of star anise, 20 grams of cinnamon, 50 grams of dried tangerine peel, 8 grams of cloves, 20 grams of kaempferol, 20 grams of pepper, 15 grams of fennel, 20 grams of geraniol, 20 grams of galangal, 5 grass, 15 grams of licorice, red hot peppers 100 grams, 150 grams of chive, ginger 150 grams, 250 grams of candy, 1000 grams of rice wine, 500 grams of high-quality soy sauce, sugar 50 grams, 200 grams of salt, hot peanut oil 250 grams, 100 grams of MSG, bone soup 12 kilograms. System of law: 1 grass fruit cracked with a knife, cinnamon with a knife back knocked into small pieces, licorice cut into thick slices, shallot pull knot, ginger with a knife shoot loose, red pepper cut into sections. 2 Put the star anise, cinnamon, dried tangerine peel, cloves, cumin, pepper, fennel, geraniol, grass, galangal, licorice, and red pepper together into a spice bag, and secure the bag. 3 Put the spice bag, onion knot, ginger block, piece of sugar, rice wine, soy sauce, sugar color, salt, cooked peanut oil, monosodium glutamate, and bone soup together in a halogen pot, and mix well. 2. Yellow marinade. Radix Scutellariae 150 grams, 100 grams of geraniol, 50 grams of shannae, 25 grams of pepper, 50 grams of galangal, 25 grams of Amomum villosum, 150 grams of fried garlic, 150 grams of fried fresh orange peel, 150 grams of celery, ginger 150 g, 1 bottle of satay sauce, 1000 g of rice wine, 250 g of cooked rapeseed oil, 150 g of oil curry, 200 g of MSG, 230 g of salt, and 12 kg of bone soup. Method: 1 The yellow wolfberry shoots with a knife, the celery beats the knot, and the ginger shoots with a knife. 2 Put yellow wolfberry fruit, geraniol leaf, shannai, prickly ash, galangal, Amomum vulgare, fried garlic, and fried fresh orange peel into a spice bag. 3 Put the spice bag, celery knot, ginger block, satay sauce, rice wine, hot rapeseed oil, oil curry, salt, and bone soup together into a halogen pot and mix well. 3. White marinade. 60 grams of star anise, 50 grams of Shanna, 25 grams of pepper, 25 grams of white cardamom, 50 grams of dried tangerine peel, 50 grams of geraniol, 25 grams of white peony, 150 grams of chive, ginger 150 grams, 1000 grams of water wine, 1000 grams of white soy sauce, salt 120 grams, 100 grams of monosodium glutamate, bone soup 12 kilograms. Method: 1 scallion knot, ginger ginger knife with pine. Put the star anise, shannai, pepper, white cardamom, tangerine peel, geraniol, and white peony in a spice bag and place the bag firmly. 2 Put the spice bag, onion knot, ginger, water wine, white soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, and bone soup together in a saucepan and mix well. The above formula is suitable for braising 10 to 12 kg of fresh raw materials (the family can reduce the amount of seasoning according to the amount of raw materials). 4. Matters needing attention when preparing marinade. 1 The amount of spices, salt, soy sauce should be appropriate: too much spice, a large drug into a dish, dark color; too little spice, the lack of flavor into a dish. Excessive salt, into the dish in addition to taste "dead salty", but also make the dishes crunch, dried up; too little salt, into the dish fresh flavor is not prominent. There are too many soy sauces, and the finished product is dark in color; there is too little soy sauce and the taste is not delicious enough. 2 The choice of raw materials: yellow marinade, white marinade should not use soy sauce or other colored condiments, do not use easily faded spices. 3 marinades should not be boiled beforehand and should be used immediately after preparation. This will not only volatilize the aromatic odor in the seasoning, but also save fuel and time. Second, the processing of raw materials before the halogen 1. Cleaning treatment. After the animal material is slaughtered, the remaining hair dirt must be removed. The bowel is applied with salt and starch to cleanse. Tongue, stomach also apply boiling water slightly hot, scraping the white film with a knife. 2. Preliminary knife processing. The meat is changed into knives of 250-1000 grams; the intestine is changed into a 45-60 centimeter long segment; the liver is changed into a 500-600-gram block; the beef belly is changed into a block of about 1,000 grams; other organs are Do not change knife. Poultry and dried tofu do not need to be changed. 3. Water treatment. All animal raw materials that need to be boiled should be treated with simmering before they can be used for curing. Otherwise, the bad smell and blood stains in the raw materials will be mixed in the marinade, making the marinade taste bad, showing aromatization, and easily fermented and foamed and deteriorated, making it difficult to preserve. The raw materials were directly put into the halogen pot without being treated with water. The surface was covered with blood foam and the appearance was not beautiful and the taste was very poor. The swill treatment is to put the raw materials into a clean water pot and when it is broken until it is broken, remove it and wash it off with clean water. If the raw material smell is large, you can add onion knot, ginger block, cooking wine, etc. in the pot. Third, the raw material of the brine will be processed after the raw materials into the sauce marinade has been prepared, cover, set on a small fire, slowly heated until tender and tasty, away from the fire, pan. Some do not pan, take out when eating. The key to the halogenation is as follows: 1. The selection of the halogen pot. The best choice is to use a cast iron pan. If the raw materials are not too large, use a casserole. These two pots have poor wall thermal conductivity and the soup does not evaporate easily. Food and this pot is not susceptible to chemical changes. Copper pans or aluminum pans should not be used, so the pans have very good thermal conductivity and the juices are quickly gasified. The copper pan also easily reacts with the salt in the marinade to affect the color, taste, and sanitary quality of the finished product. 2. To grasp the firepower. Generally, small or medium fire or micro-fire is used to keep the soup small or slightly open. You can't use prosperous fire. Otherwise, the soup will boil and splash on the wall of the pot to form a film. Finally, the coking product will fall into the marinade and become carbon black. Some adhere to the raw material and affect the finished product and marinade. The color and taste. When the fire is boiled, the raw materials are not easy to be soft, and the marinade will be severely reduced due to rapid gasification. 3. To master the maturity of raw materials. The raw material is marinated, no matter whether the texture is old and tender, or the maturity time, the maturity of the raw materials should be controlled during softening or before softening or leaving the fire. The method of identification is to squeeze the raw materials by hand and pinch it. If it feels very hard, it means that the heat has not reached; if the product is crushed, it is overfired (in the stage of deterioration); the pinching is soft and slightly flexible, and Not broken, indicating that the heat is just right, that is, softening stage. Fourth, the preservation of marinade Braised dishes marinade, should pay attention to preservation, for the next use. The more times the marinade is used, the longer the preservation time, the better the quality and the better the taste. This is because more and more components such as soluble proteins are contained in the marinade. For the preservation of marinade, the following points should be noted: 1. Remove slicks and floating foam. Marinade slicks and froths are often removed and often filtered to remove slag. 2. To regularly heat disinfection. Every morning and evening in the summer and autumn, each boiled and disinfected is sterilized one time. In spring and winter, it can be boiled and sterilized once or every other day. The marinade after boiling should be put in a sterile container. 3. The receptacle must be pottery or white enamelware. Never use metal utensils such as iron, tin, aluminum, and copper. Otherwise, salt and other substances in the marinade will chemically react with the metal, causing the marinade to discolor, taste, and even deteriorate. 4. Pay attention to the storage location. The marinade should be placed in a cool, ventilated, dust-proof place with a gauze cover to prevent flies from falling into the marinade. 5. The addition of raw materials. Spice bags are generally used only 2 times and should be replaced. Other seasonings should be added once per bit of raw material. Note: After the old brine is used, the preparation of the marinade does not require non-bone soup. It can also use clean water, or it can be refueled.

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