Grape summer and autumn management eight points

When cultivating grapes, if neglecting the management of grape plants in the later growth period of the year, it will lead to plant cover, disease occurrence, early defoliation, and poor maturation of most of the resulting mother vines, etc., and the grape seedlings in the following year will have low germination rate, and the new shoots will atrophy. Change. In order to reduce the production of grapes in the same year and increase production in the following year and create better economic benefits, the following tasks must be done: In the summer, the main task of tree management is to control the growth of the shoots and to prevent racking. Shu closure, should be timely to the tip of the shooter. For Kyoho cultivars, the old leaves that have been grown in the lower part of the rack for more than 3 months can be properly removed to facilitate ventilation and light transmission. Foliar Fertilization To increase the sugar content of grape fruits, the application of foliar fertilizer is mainly phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer. Spray 0.5% to 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution or 3% once every 10 days before harvest. The ash leaching solution of the plant was sprayed for 2 to 3 times. Timely cultivating grapes often encounter rainy weather in the later period of growth and development. In time, cultivating and weeding can prevent flooding and improve the growth environment of roots, and can eliminate weeds in time to reduce pests and diseases, and remove the weeds accumulated into organic fertilizers. better. In the rainy season, shallow cultivators should be used, and the cultivating depth should be about 5 cm to eliminate weeds. After the rainy season, deep cultivators should be used, and the cultivating depth should be 10-15 cm. Do not hurt the plant roots. Water management Drought severely affects the fruit's enlargement and even the shedding of the fruit. In arid regions, the fruit should be grounded with fine water after entering the expansion period. Those who have conditions can cover the grass and cover the film in the vineyard, which can not only protect the earthworms but also prevent the fruit cracking caused by the sudden change of soil moisture content. From July to August, if there is a rainstorm, it should be drained and flooded in time. Pest control focuses on the prevention of white rot and anthrax, which can be sprayed once every 10 to 15 days with 800 times solution of carbendazim or thiophanate-methyl, such as spraying and spraying once. At the same time, it is necessary to cut off diseased leaves and fruit in a timely manner. Timely harvesting of timely harvested mature fruits can prevent fruit ripening and affect the quality, but also reduce the nutrient consumption of the tree, is conducive to the second year of spring germination, fruit setting and new shoots, leaves the robust growth. After harvesting the harvested fertilized grapes, the roots enter a new peak of growth, and organic fertilizers should be used as base fertilizers in time to facilitate the development of new roots and the second year of growth. Each plant applies 25 to 50 kg of organic fertilizer, applied at a distance of 30 cm from the main trunk, with a ditch depth of 40 to 50 cm. Irrigation after fertilization, so that grape plants have a full recovery time, laying the foundation for the second year of growth and development. Prevention of forced winter buds Some growers cut large numbers of secondary shoots and old leaves after harvesting, which not only affects the ripening of the shoots, but also easily triggers winter buds, seriously affecting the growth and results of the following year. After picking, do not pick the leaves and remove the shoots. Try to keep the strong branches and leaves. When working in the field, it prevents mechanical damage to the branches and leaves to ensure normal maturation of the branches.

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