Identification and Prevention of Several Kinds of Edible Diseases at Present

Causes of Abnormal Mushrooms and Avoidance Measures Abnormal Mushrooms lower product grades, or even lose the value of goods and affect the economic benefits of cultivation. This problem is widespread. The common malformation mushrooms are: the cap of the mushroom is not tightly held, showing a “fist shape”; the handle is long and thick, and the cover is small, showing a “vase shape”; the cover is concave, the edge is cracked and rolled outwards, showing a “broken bowl”; the cover is narrow Length: "Bunny-shaped"; covered with spots, showing "macho-like"; tumors in caps protruding, showing "bulging abdomen"; two caps spread out, stalks tightly connected, "butterfly-like"; cover bent , "Wave-like"; covered with a round package, contraction of pleats, was "optical-like"; cover longitudinal slit groove joint, was "mushroom-like"; number of mushrooms and students, was "lotus-shaped"; in addition The mushroom body is atrophic and the mushroom body is yellow and discolored. The reason for the occurrence of malformed mushrooms is that the cultivation environment conditions are not compatible with the physiological and biochemical requirements of Pleurotus ferulae. The key lies in the poor coordination of temperature, humidity, light, and gas during the fruiting period, and operational errors in management techniques. The following specific analysis, and proposed to avoid malaria mushroom corresponding measures. 1. Unreasonable structure of existing sheds The existing Bailing mushroom cultivation sites (indoor mushroom houses and wild mushroom sheds) are not easy to construct and have unreasonable structure. Some mushroom house doors and windows are unidirectional, and some vents are opened in the upper half of the wall, causing the indoor air to circulate; some plastic greenhouses have vents on both sides, but the vents are toward both ends of the wall; there are also Although there is a ventilation opening, it has not been opened for insulation. As the air in the shed does not circulate, severe oxygen deficiency is caused, and the alimentary Bailing mushroom becomes deformed. The ideal mushroom shed should be north facing south or west facing east. From the perspective of heat preservation and ventilation, the cultivation room shed should not be too large, generally rectangular sheds can accommodate 3000 bags (1582.2m) or 5,000 bags (2582.2m). The vents should be located on both sides of the long side, with 2424cm diameter bricks, 1 opening every 1m, and the height of the mouth and mouth on both sides should be conducive to air convection. The film at both ends of the mushroom shed should be able to open and close, which is beneficial to the vertical air convection; the roof can be applied with straw-free or shade nets. Bacteria wall barrier overlap does not show proper performance: the bag wall is too high, 10 bags 1 yard, more than 1m; some of the bacteria wall is filled with sticky soil, airtight; some water after filling is insufficient Some drywalls are too dense, and the middle is not filled with soil. When some walls are walled, the cuts are not cut by the sacks. The cut into the wall is only cut to 1/3 too little, but the outer ends are cut to cut the film. The mycelium is not moisturized. These make the growth and development of fruit bodies inevitable. For example, in the northern wall of bacteria bags, there is insufficient water in the bags to fill in the water between the bags, and when it enters the warm winter season, when the buds are rejuvenated, the water content is less, and the moisture content is relatively dry. The water content in the bag is absorbed by the fill soil, causing the dehydration of the mycelia, and the mushroom caps are bound to appear. Abnormal or incomplete state of the deformed mushroom; sticky soil compaction, poor air permeability, can not play a regulatory role in mycelium, but hinder the normal physiological reproduction. In the mushroom area to the north of the Yangtze River, the baghouse wall is the carrier of Pleurotus citrinopileatus, which includes both bag and filling. The purpose of filling is to use the organic matter in the soil and at the same time to regulate the temperature and humidity. When the soil temperature is low, it will be able to keep warm, and when the temperature is high, it will dissipate heat. It is a cover soil cultivation mechanism, and it is also a model of the current Bailing mushroom field mushroom shed cultivation. To achieve timely mushrooming, good mushrooms, according to the extensive production experience in Guangshui, northern Hubei, we must achieve "five priorities": 1 After the physiology of the bag must be mature, it is generally completed in mid-December. In order to be transferred to buds; 2 stacks of walls to stabilize the bag yards 6 to 7 layers, inclined shape, under the big and small, to the end of the width 120cm, the width of 80cm, the wall length of 280cm is appropriate; between the bacteria wall 60 ~ 80cm work path; 3 cutting film to be suitable for the purpose of cutting the membrane inward end of the bacteria bag is to connect the mycelia to the filling, to cut off 2/3 is appropriate; when the wall is stacked, 2 bags are discharged in parallel, and the distance between the bags is 4~ 5cm; exposed outside the end to stay 1.5 ~ 2cm, can not cut the film, from the role of long-mushroom protection; 4 fill the soil better than the wall to clay suitable, but between the bag should be filled with clay and sandy loam, mixed with 1% lime, Compound fertilizer 0.5% dubbed nutritious soil; used in two parts, a portion of water mixed with mud for the base bag, a part of dry mix, for the gap between the filling bag slot, and then watering; 5 to air hole bacteria wall top filling 3cm Afterwards, use mud to enclose a water level of about 10cm deep, hit a 3cm wide and deep every 40~50cm until it is 2~3 bags from the bottom of the fungus wall. As dual-vent and irrigation. 3. There are 4 manifestations of congenital malnutrition: 1 The raw materials of the cottonseed husks in the formula, the wheat bran is affected by mildew, and the nutrients are degraded; the amount of wheat bran contained in the formula is less, and there is no adverse reaction in the early stage of mycelial growth. , to long mushroom period can not meet the requirements; 2 rancidity of the medium; 3 bacteria bag water evaporation, mycelium dehydration. These belong to congenital malnutrition, so the output of the mushroom cover is thin, wave-like, or does not show the cover, the color is not yellow white mutant mushroom. The culture medium is the medium for the growth and development of the fruit body of Pleurotus eryngii. The quality of the medium is closely related to the number and quality of the long mushroom. To produce more quality mushrooms, it is required to achieve “four musts”: 1 The raw materials must be fresh and free of mildew to be sterilized before sun exposure; 2 Formulations must be reasonable Here are two groups of formula: 87% cottonseed husk, 8% wheat bran, and 2 corn flour. %, Lime powder 3%; formula based on sawdust: Broad-leaved trunk wood chips 80%, wheat bran 15%, corn flour 3%, lime powder 2%. About 60% moisture content, pH 7 ~ 8.5. 3 additives must be controlled in the ingredients commonly used gypsum powder or lime powder, in addition to providing calcium, the main role of the pH adjustment. Gypsum powder is calcium sulfate, slightly acidic, used to buffer alkalinity; lime powder is light calcium carbonate, which is alkaline and used to prevent pH acidity. Pleurotus nebrodensis culture medium requires a pH of 7 to 8.5, which is a partial alkali. With the addition of bags in late fall, the temperature is high. In order to prevent the rancidity of the medium, lime powder should be used. According to the requirements of the green food, the additive must not exceed 5% in the formula; 4 The fermentation must master the mechanism The fermentation is the use of beneficial microorganisms to naturally catalyze the decomposition of the medium, thereby improving the physicochemical properties of the matrix, increasing the effective nutrients, favoring the absorption of hyphae, and promoting the cultivation of materials The active ingredients in the plant are converted into fruit bodies as much as possible, which helps to increase production. Fermentation can be added when the fermentation agent is 0.3%, the fermentation time is 7 days, and it is turned into the bagging, sterilization and cooling inoculation after turning 3 times. 4. The pre-production period cannot be grasped often because the cultivated person seeks the eagerness of the mushroom, and the physiological immature of the mycelium enters the artificial triggering bud, causing premature birth malformation. Pleurotus necessitate "a hundred days of bacteria, once budding." To this end, we must master the "three standards" of physiological maturation of mycelium: 1 bacterial age from the date of vaccination cumulative time of 90 days; 2 surface bag mycelium mycelium white color; 3 substrate feel hard, slightly elastic, There is a "click" in the pat, and reaching this standard indicates that the physiology is ripe. At this time, it is most appropriate to put a bag into the wall. 5. The budding technique does not place hyphae after physiological maturity also needs 0 ~ 13 °C low temperature stimulation 10 ~ 15 days, this period also 5 ~ 7 days above 10 °C temperature difference stimulation, can force the primordial differentiation into a mushroom bud . This is a distinctive feature of the Bailing Mushroom. The grower often does not grasp this unique species, the lack of low temperature bacteria, temperature stimulation is not enough, and the reproductive period of physical and chemical requirements are not coordinated, resulting in fruit body development is inhibited and deformation. Some mushroom friends in the december in early December when the budding, in order to keep warm, but neglected the ventilation, severe anoxia within the shed, the result of the reminder is the mushroom handle up to 20cm, mushroom cover tightly held in the fist fist mushroom ". The low temperature and variable temperature trigger must fulfill the “Four Matches”: (1) Opening oxygen to uncoil the bag, loosen the bag mouth and twist it so that a small amount of air penetrates into the bag, but the bag mouth cannot be fully opened to prevent the bacteria Drying; 2 bacteria awakening According to Xinjiang and Beijing, Hebei and other producing areas experience, after the opening of the bacteria bag with a small shovel to remove the original bacterial seed blocks and the surrounding 3.5cm of the old bacteria, but do not move other parts. The fungus is beneficial to the early emergence of the original primordium, and the mushrooming point is located in the center; (3) The wet and dry alternate sunny day sprayer sprays water in the shed space, and the relative humidity is required to be 85%; at night, the awning cover film is set to naturally cool, and the dryness is formed. Wet stimulation; 4 light scattering mushroom, during the day, the ceiling straw curtain should be diarrhea, spacing 6 ~ 10cm, let the sun shoot. The appropriate light intensity is 500 ~ 600Lx, but to avoid direct light, so as to avoid evaporation of water, the original base atrophy or mushroom split into the mushroom pattern. 6. Lei Lei did not pay attention to Some people saw mushroom buds overjoyed, knowing that the bud is too dense, but could not bear to take off. Due to the neglect of sparse buds, the mushrooms were crowded with each other, and thus appeared butterfly-shaped, laterally elongated tongues and humpback mushrooms. Shu Lei can ensure the flower shape and quality of products, and it is one of the important technical links in cultivation management. Specific "Four Requirements": 1Leaves the appropriate amount of 1 to 2 bags per bag, up to a maximum of 3 bags. More nutrients dispersed, mushroom body is not hypertrophy, but the quality of the decline; 2 selection bud accurate color and white, mushroom body upright as the standard, the selection is good to bad, stay big to small, stay strong and weak, sparsely dense; 3 careful Operation with a knife to cut off the excess young buds, can not hurt the preserved mushroom body and mycelium; 4 sparse buds after budding should be straight after the bag mouth film, slightly twisted, insulation moisturizing. The temperature is maintained at 13-18°C, not less than 8°C, not more than 20°C; the relative humidity in the room is 85%-90%. The path between the walls of the bacteria has a shallow water retention and moisturization; and to open the vents, keep the air fresh inside the shed; at the same time, increase the temperature by light, promote the development of mushroom buds. 7. The poor management of long-fleshed mushrooms gradually differentiates into fruiting bodies after emergence, during the long-mushroom period, often due to poor regulation of temperature, light, and air, resulting in abnormal development of the mushroom body, side length, or hunchback, or surface depression, or Spotted prickly face, discoloration, and harvest expired, the mushroom body is oversized and does not meet the grade. Management during the fruiting process to do a good job of "three coordination": 1 heating and oxygen coordination Long mushroom is in the twelfth lunar month blowing north wind, cold weather, mushrooming requirements of the optimum temperature 13 ~ 18 °C, in the northern producing areas, except During the daytime, the temperature is increased by light and the cover film is kept warm. At night, it can be burned outside the shed, and steam can enter the shed to warm up. But should pay attention to, can not ignore the ventilation, so as to avoid oxygen deficiency, resulting in deformation of the mushroom body; 2 humidification and ventilation coordinating long-period relative humidity requirements of mushrooms 85% to 95%, cold winter, need to spray humidification in the space; at the same time Ventilation, avoid spraying water or excessive water, so as to avoid the lack of oxygen in the shed, or water droplets fall on the surface of the mushroom and cause the cover area water to become rotten and numb. 3 light and moisture coordination long mushroom needs scattered light 500 ~ 600Lx. Between the ceiling grass curtains need to be opened 6 ~ 10cm, so that the sun shines into the shed, creating "three points of Yang, seven points Yin" environment. But avoid light is too strong, so as to avoid evaporation of water, mushroom split flower. Therefore, the work lanes between the fungus walls in the sunny shed should be kept shallow to store water, so that when the light enters the shed, the water vapor rises to increase the space humidity; morning and night can be sprayed and humidified to the space, but should not spray on the fruiting bodies. So as not to cause the rotten mushroom or mushroom cover yellow.

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