Wheat winter management

From the emergence of winter wheat to wintering, its fertility characteristics can be summarized as "the completion of three long ones." That is, long roots, long leaves, and long tillers complete the vernalization stage. The birth is a growth center. The central task of field management is to build on the basis of conservation of seedlings, promote root growth, make weak seedlings stronger, and strong seedlings grow steadily to ensure that wheat seedlings safely live through the winter, laying a good foundation for panicles and panicles in the coming year. The main measures are as follows: 1. Seedling replanting to ensure that seedlings are seedlings and seedlings are well-proportioned: After emergence, seedlings should be inspected in a timely manner. In order to make the replanted wheat grow faster, wheat seeds should be prepared in advance, and should be soaked with naphthaleneacetic acid or water to promote germination, increase seedlings and enhance cold resistance. After soaking, they should be air-dried and sown. If the reseeding is not timely, it can be planted from a densely populated place and planted and then watered in time. Second, the overwhelming needle: When wheat enters the three-leaf stage, the nutrients in the seed endosperm are exhausted. The seedlings must rely on their own photosynthesis to produce nutrients for the needs of growth and development. This is a crucial period for promoting root growth. The overwhelming needle is a powerful measure, which is to suppress it once again in the three-leaf stage, and to control the main stem, promote the delivery of tinea, and control the function of the root and promote the root system. Increase cold resistance and drought resistance, and at the same time, it can crush crushed litter, compact the soil, control ventilation, and facilitate safe wintering. In particular, it is particularly important to press wheat in areas without winter pouring conditions. The pressure ratio can reduce the death rate by about 20%, increase the production by 4.8% to 18.2%, and increase the yield by 5%. The time for pressing wheat should be after noon on sunny days, and avoid freezing in the morning to prevent injury. Saline-alkali soil and sand soil should not be pressed with wheat so as to avoid back-alkali and wind erosion. Third, timely pest control: Where the early sowing of wheat, after emergence should promptly check the rule wheat stubble, planthoppers and leafhoppers. Because these pests are prone to spread viral diseases, especially Laodelphax striatellus, it will cause serious bush dwarfism; wheat aphid damage will cause yellow dwarf disease; leaf aphid will cause red dwarf disease. These diseases can sometimes lead to particles not being harvested, so pests must be treated promptly. After emergence, the 1000-1500-fold dimethoate solution is sprayed out, about 40 kg per mu, which can effectively eliminate the pests such as wheat bran. In addition, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of earthworms and earthworms. Fourth, recalcitrant soil: In the event of rain during childbirth, it should be timely to scratch the wheat soil, is conducive to breaking the knot, and promote root growth. In particular, the saline-alkali wheat must be smashed after the rain to prevent the salt from harming the wheat seedlings. If the seedlings are sown early because they were planted too early in the past, deeper scratches (more than 7 cm) should be taken, and they can be used to cut off roots and control hunger. Fifth, chase after the manure fertilizer: topdressing winter fertilizer time, should begin at an average temperature of 7 ~ 8 °C, 5 °C end; fertilizer amount should be determined as appropriate, the method can be separated by ditch Shi, point Shi. After application, cover soil to reduce volatilization and increase fertilizer efficiency. Sixth, timely winter irrigation, security seedlings safe winter: winter wheat irrigation before winter is the safe wintering seedlings, drought prevention in early spring, anti-perishable cold important measures. What are the benefits of winter irrigation? Because of the large heat capacity of water, adequate soil moisture after winter irrigation, can ease the dramatic changes in temperature, prevent freezing and dead seedlings; it can also promote the development of roots during wintering, consolidate healthy delivery, is conducive to spike differentiation, and For the second year, the water will be stored in the green period, so that the winter water can be used in spring; in addition, the winter irrigation can collapse the soil, crush the rubbish, and eliminate the overwintering pests, so the winter irrigation has a significant increase in production. According to tests, it is generally possible to increase production by more than 20%, and to increase the rate of increase in severely frost-damaged years. However, practice has shown that: If the winter irrigation is not properly mastered, it can also cause serious adverse consequences. The light inhibits the growth and development of the plant, resulting in dry tips of the leaves, and in severe cases can lead to the phenomenon of dead seedlings. The basic cause of death is low temperature, but there is also a big relationship with the site preparation before planting. After the land has been compacted without tamping, repression or unirrigated land, irrigation under low temperature conditions can easily aggravate the freezing injury. To make good use of the benefits of winter irrigation, attention should be paid to mastering the following technical points: (1) The winter irrigation should be timely. If the winter irrigation is too early, the temperature is high, the evaporation is large, and if there is too much loss in the winter, it will not be enough for the winter irrigation. If irrigation is too late, the temperature is too low and the water is not easy to infiltrate. It is likely to cause freezing and severe seedlings. Appropriate winter irrigation time should be based on temperature and lyricism, generally starting at an average temperature of 7 to 8°C and ending at around 5°C. At this time, "the night is frozen, the winter is just right." The soil moisture content of sandy soil is lower than 13% to 14%, the loam is less than 16% to 17%, and when the clay is lower than 18% to 19%, winter irrigation can be performed. The order of irrigation in winter: Generally low-lying land and clay land can be used for irrigation first; sand land due to loss of fastness should be filled late. (2) Irrigation volume: Irrigation volume should be based on lyrics, seedling conditions and weather. Generally, 40 to 60 square meters of water are poured per acre. The amount of winter irrigation should not be too large. Avoid flooding irrigation. In order to avoid causing water in the area, ice formation will cause the seedlings to suffocate and die. (3) After the winter irrigation, especially in the wheat fields that were fed in early winter, it is necessary to plan the loosening of the soil in time to prevent the cracks from penetrating the wind and cause the roots to die. (4) Where wheat fields with water content meet the following conditions, winter irrigation may be used: sandy soil above 18%; amphoteric soil above 20%; clay soil above 22% and high groundwater table in wheat fields. In addition, there is no need for winter irrigation in the late wheat fields. Due to the short growing period before winter and the effective accumulated temperature, such wheat fields have few leaves, few roots, and no tillers. Therefore, in order to make full use of the effective accumulated temperature in the two freezing and thawing periods in early winter and early spring to increase the ground temperature around the birthing festival, it is beneficial to strive for more labor and more secondary roots. However, this type of wheat field that is not filled with winter must be ploughed before freezing, and soil should be preserved, and the ground temperature should be raised to strive for the “living soil” to pass through the winter. This way, the safe wintering is more certain. (e) Winter irrigation combined with topdressing. Where Miao Shao's second and third types of wheat, or early sowing of de-fertilizer Wang Miao, can be combined with winter irrigation topdressing nitrogen fertilizer. Application of urea per acre of 5 to 10 kilograms, can promote the early return of wheat to green, consolidate tiller before winter, increase tiller rate, so that winter fertilizer use. However, for a type of wheat field where there are many seedlings, it is generally not possible to apply or apply less. In order to avoid excessive delivery in the spring, the group is too large, causing late lodging. Seven, winter urine: This is a traditional increase in production measures, save money and save money, significant increase in production. According to the trial, about 1 kg of wheat can be added to each application of 15 kg of fresh urine. Why urine can increase production? Because of the 1000 kg of fresh urine containing 0.5% nitrogen, equivalent to about 30 kg of ammonium bicarbonate; phosphorus 0.13%, equivalent to 9 kg of superphosphate; potassium containing 0.2%, equivalent to 4 kg of chlorine The sum of potassium nutrient content. And these nutrients are easily absorbed by wheat. Pouring urine in wheat fields should pay attention to the following technical problems: (A) Time: from winter to return to green; (b) Method: With the product every day with the water, do not have to water, generally pouring 400 to 500 kg per acre. (3) Saline and alkali should not be poured in urine, and it should not be poured after snow. VIII. Covers: The farmer has “meat to eat lunar soil”, indicating that the cover is protected against cold and seedlings. Its effect is: (i) The cover can be stably warmed to prevent freezing damage. (b) The cover can reduce the evaporation of soil moisture and help maintain soil moisture at the birthing day. The seedlings do not suffer drought and affect the growth of tillers and secondary roots. (3) Covers are used to ensure that the wheat “greens through the winter” and return to Qingyu early for 3-4 days. (4) Covers can reduce cracks on the ground, make up for cracks, and prevent dead seedlings caused by wind and rooting. Therefore, in early-casting Wangmiao, late-seeding strong seedlings, and poor-cold-tolerance varieties that are overburdened with shallow soils, it is necessary to do cover work well in winter and drought. In order to ensure that the cover is increased, two technical points should be noted: (a) Time: It should be carried out after the wheat enters the wintering period. Do not be too early to avoid yellowing the seedlings; it is not too late. The leaves have been frozen too late and the operation is difficult. Beijing generally takes place on the Snow Festival (December). (B) Method and depth: After the winter irrigation, on the basis of the twisted wheat pines, the bamboo shoots were placed on the wheat seedlings in the Daxing Zhongrong Ridge. Nine, repression: cover is crushed before the return of green wheat l 2 times. In this way, the crushed ash can be crushed, and the soil is finely crushed and firm. Helps eliminate compaction, cracking, and heat preservation; it can also pull soil and seal joints to prevent soil leakage. This is an important measure for the management of winter wheat in wheat fields that are deficient in water (especially wheat fields that have not been irrigated in winter) and is another important means for drought resistance and cold-resistant seedlings. Ten, due to seedling management: After the emergence of wheat, due to the impact of various natural disasters, often form a variety of conditions of the seedlings. Therefore, all kinds of management measures must be applied due to seedlings. (1) Weak seedlings: The general performance of weak seedlings is that there are fewer vacancies in the absence of tillers, less roots, fewer pods, narrower leaves, and lighter leaves. The shortage of nutrients for the manufacture and storage of weak seedlings prior to winter is not conducive to safe wintering, and it is difficult to grow robustly after returning green. The performance, main causes of weak seedlings and the technical measures that should be adopted for different weak seedlings are as follows: 1. Performance and causes: (1) The “narrow necked seedlings” formed due to drought and water shortage are mainly expressed as the tip of the seedling base. Dry yellow, upper leaf color gray-green, few or no secondary roots can be produced, plant growth is slow, the heart does not grow too long, showing a "shrinking neck" phenomenon, severe when the base leaves dry and dead, plant growth, this type Weak seedlings occurred in grazing seedlings, soil drought, and wheat fields that were difficult to absorb due to extensive preparation of land, excessive loose soil, and unreliable soils. (2) "Little old seedlings" appearing in phosphorus-deficient and dry and wet compaction and sowing in shallow wheat fields mainly include: dwarf, thin, narrow and short leaves, small or no tillers; leaf sheath and leaf color are grayish green. No light, after the change of rust purple, the old leaves of the base gradually turned yellow, dry, less secondary roots, poor growth, new roots were born slowly, old roots become rusty. (3) The yellow seedlings that occur due to improper fertilization or phytotoxicity are called "cell-burning seedlings." The general symptoms are: yellowing of leaves or tips, weakening of growth, reduction of tillering or even failure, severe leaf dryness and death. In terms of whole field seedlings, the yellow seedlings often have different severity and irregular spots occur. When inspecting the wheat seedlings, it is found that the root tip is rusted or the root tip is swollen and is chicken-like; the new roots cease to grow soon after birth and become thick and have no root hairs; some appear rusty or even rot in one part of the root. Skin, severely endangers rhizomes and tillers, causing dead seedlings. Fertilizer seedlings occur mainly due to: excessive application of fertilizers, improper use of chemical fertilizers, especially excessive application of urea, ammonium bicarbonate; or poor quality of phosphate fertilizer, acidity; or excessive application of organic fertilizer and application Inhomogeneity; errors in handling of medicaments, etc. (4) Because of the "yellow seedlings" that have less base fertilizer and thinner soil, the wheat seedlings are thin, slender, and thin and slender. In addition there are sown too deep "yellow seedlings", seedling leaves slender, soft, low can often not occur, the roots are stunted, thin and thin seedlings, leaves pale. 2. Measures: When the symptoms of drought “neck down” appear, pour the packing water early, and take repression measures for the dry land wheat fields; for “small old seedlings” it is mainly multi-tear soil, combined with deep nitrogen and phosphorus mixing. Fertilizer or inorganic, organic compound fertilizer combined with watering; “fat fertilizer” remedial measures are immediate watering, watering after the consolidation; on the shortage of fertilizer “yellow skinny seedlings,” timely recovery of nitrogen fertilizer, and to In combination with watering, pay attention to cultivating loose soil, and apply 15-20 kg of nitrogen fertilizer per acre. For weak seedlings that have been planted too deep, it is necessary to excavate ridges and ridges, or to cultivator, improve soil ventilation, and promote root development. As for the weak seedlings formed by late seeding, the accumulated temperature is mainly insufficient. At this time, the seedlings have small roots and few fertilizers. The consumption of fertilizer and water is low. Before the winter, it is generally not suitable to top-dress fertilizer to avoid lowering the ground temperature and affect the emergence of seedlings. . (B) strong seedlings: Strong seedlings are generally formed at the appropriate time of sowing, fertile soil, suitable conditions of the lyrical conditions, its performance is rapid emergence, the leaves are relatively large, both the tiller and the root system can be born on time, the delivery is thick, the leaves are not Pulled, dark green leaves, roots, and more soil particles attached to the roots. For such wheat fields, it is necessary to pay close attention to its population development. If there are too many basic seedlings and it is expected that the total number of stems before winter will obviously exceed a reasonable index, the seedlings should be seeded early in the early stages of tillering. In the process of seedling growth, if it is found that the total number of stems reaches a reasonable target early, the measures for root cutting of deep cultivator should be adopted in time to restrain the birth of the quail and promote the growth of the maggots. Before reaching the expected number of tillers at the seedling stage, if the leaf color of the wheat seedlings is lightened, the leaf gap is widened, the growth of the heart leaves is slow, and the lower leaves have a tendency of yellowing, and the top dressing should be watered. (3) Wang Miao: The pre-winter wheat seedlings were mostly due to early or early sowing, which resulted in large sowing rates and high fertility. There are generally three conditions: (1) High fertility base, large amount of fertilizer, and lyrical Appropriate, coupled with early sowing, so the growth of strong wheat seedlings, more delivery, speed. Generally, by the end of November, the total number of tadpoles per mu can meet or exceed the requirements of the indicators. If they are allowed to develop, they can often reach over one million before the winter, and the plants are tall and the leaves are large. In case of warm winter, the year will continue to prosper, and in the cold winter, serious damage will occur. Measures should be taken early on such wheat fields, and when it is found that growth is strong and excessive delivery is necessary, it is necessary to try to control its growth rate. The method of control is to cut down the roots of the deep cultivator, which can be used for deep boring or hoeing, and is generally about 10 cm deep. This measure is not only effective but also has a long impact on the control effect. After the roots are cut off, the absorption of water and nutrients is temporarily reduced, the growth rate is slowed down, and during the process of recovery and re-rooting, the growth center of gravity is shifted. The essence is to control the ground to promote the underground and to extend the root system downwards. If you are still very busy after squats, do it again every 7 to 10 days. (2) There is a certain basis of fertility, and a seed fertilizer is applied and due to the high number of basic seedlings, the seedlings are sown early and form Wang Miao. This Wang Miao is generally a pseudo-wang seedling, if it does not matter before winter, before wintering or after wintering It will gradually degenerate into weakened seedlings, the so-called “wheat no longer flourishes”. This should be done with sparse seedlings and appropriate repression or squats in order to control the growth to a certain extent, increase nutrient accumulation, and top-up in pouring frozen water. Appropriate quantification fertilizer (usually 5 to 7 kg of urea in Mushi) can be turned into strong seedlings after years. (3) Fertility is not too fat, just because the seeding rate is too large; the population caused by too many basic seedlings is large, the seedlings are crowded, making them stubbornly high, and the roots are stunted, so it is generally not suitable for deep cultivating, wheat fields with prosperous growth. In combination with deep cultivator, it can be pressed with sarcophagus to suppress the growth of the main stalks and big maggots, and to control their growth. However, the lower wetlands and saline-alkali lands should not be rolled so as to avoid causing soil compaction and returning alkali. 11. Causes and Prevention of Dead Seedlings in Winter: Causes of winter wheat dead in addition to meteorological factors. From the cultivation point of view, it is mainly caused by irrational layout of varieties and improper cultivation and management. 1, introduced only pay attention to high yield, ignore cold resistance. The winter-type cultivars and spring cultivars were blindly introduced into the planting areas of winter cultivars, thus aggravating the freezing and killing of dead plants. 2, late sowing crude species, increase frost damage. A farming system is limited by both local heat conditions and production conditions. Without exposing customers to the conditions, the area of ​​wheat is unduly expanded. Increasing the multiple cropping index results in a large number of late-seeding wheat that is farmed each year, coupled with unmatched varieties, poor seedling resistance, and severe frost damage. 3, early broadcast prosperous, reduce cold resistance. If the planting is too early, the wheat cultivar's long or even weak winter cultivar will reach the oleid stage by the ear differentiation in winter, and the cold resistance will be reduced, resulting in freezing damage to the dead seedlings. 4, lack of sensation, drought help cold power. In wheat fields with uneven cropping or looting, the bottom saggers are insufficient, the soil is arid, and freezing injury is aggravated. 5, improper watering, adverse winter. The pouring of water in winter caused the “Ling-up” dead seedlings. In addition, the water-cutting was not timely after the watering, and the cracks were hardened. In view of the above-mentioned reasons for overwintering of wheat, prevention measures should mainly be done in the following aspects: 1. Adjust the layout and select improved varieties according to local conditions. Any good seed requires certain conditions, and must be properly used for the proper distribution of the variety. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to strictly arrange varieties according to the type of species, and according to the soil, fertility, water conservancy, cornices, etc., to arrange several different levels of production, early, middle and late maturing varieties with planting. 2, pay close attention to nurturing strong seedlings. Strong seedlings accumulate more sugar and stronger resistance, which is conducive to safe wintering. All measures that are beneficial to nurturing strong seedlings can reduce the number of frozen seedlings to a certain extent. 3, strengthen the winter management, pay close attention to cold insulation measures. The management of wintering management has a direct impact on the degree of freezing and chilling of wheat. Therefore, it is necessary to pour frozen water to prevent drought and drought, to suppress aerial repression, and to prohibit breeding and livestock breeding.

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