Management of transplanting vegetables after transplanting in summer

1, temperature and humidity. After the planting, the greenhouse film was kept closed. It is generally maintained at 25-32°C during the day and 20-25°C at night. The sun is strong, and the temperature in the shed exceeds 30°C. Shade nets and sheds can be used to cool the shade to promote seedlings. After the emergence of the seedlings, the temperature is appropriately lowered, generally 20-25°C during the day and 15-20°C at night. The optimum temperature for the growth of melons is 20-30°C. If the temperature exceeds 35°C, growth and development will be hindered. Therefore, when the temperature within the shed of the nectarine vegetables is greater than 30°C, the melons should be ventilated and ventilated when they are greater than 32°C. Ventilation should be small to large. When the temperature at night is stable above 17°C, the skirt film can be removed and the top film can be kept rainproof. Temperature and humidity can be controlled by the size of the ventilation and the morning and evening of the cover film. In rainy weather, it is also necessary to remove the inner membrane of the large and middle shed to allow the plants to see scattered light to prevent the photosynthesis of the plants from weakening and causing malnutrition. 2, plant adjustments. When the height of the vine is about 30cm, the vines are introduced and the vines are hoisted. Eggplants and peppers only remove the lateral branches below the root eggplant (Pepper). However, "Hangzhou eggplant one ton, three" eggplant due to strong growth potential, according to practical experience, can be removed under the fruit of most of the leaves, tomato pruning according to the different cultivation density varies, the cultivation of dense common single pruning, cultivation of rare The puppets were pruned. Long melon 5-6 when the true leaf topping, leaving 1-2 side of the vine instead of the main vine, Sun Man left 1-2 fruit topping, cucumber, pumpkin single vine pruning. In addition, the old leaves, diseased leaves, diseased branches, and diseased fruits of the plant should be promptly removed, and centralized management should be conducted. 3, application of hormones, preserved fruit. Solanaceous vegetables can easily cause flowering and fruit drop under high or low temperature conditions, so plant hormones can be used to preserve and protect fruits. Eggplant, tomato red Solanum 1ml plus water 500g soaked or added 250g flower; can also use 2.5% of the landfall 500-2500 times liquid for flowering or flowering. Pumpkin, zucchini, and cucumber are sprayed with pistachio stigma 100 times with Paulo spirit and artificial pollination with pollen. The above hormones should be marked with pigment powder to avoid repeated use and produce malformed fruit. The use of hormones is adjusted as the temperature changes. The concentration is high when the temperature is low, and the concentration is low when the temperature is high. 4, fertilizer and water management. Fruits and vegetables in the early results to control the results, the result is to grow up after the top dressing, generally top dressing 2-3 times, top dressing can point fertilizer, furrow or foliar spray. Fertilizers can be used as compound fertilizers, decomposed human livestock feces, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and nutrients. The initial fruit period Mushi phosphorus granules 45-60kg/mu. Article or application of acupuncture, depth greater than or equal to 5cm, maintain a certain degree of humidity, applied once a month, one season crops applied 1-2 times. According to the state of temperature and the dryness and humidity of the soil, the moisture content should be combined with topdressing. The temperature should be high and the soil should be watered or watered in a timely manner. 5, pest control. The main diseases of fruits and melons are gray mold, sclerotinia, anthrax, melon downy mildew, powdery mildew, tomato late blight. Eggplant diseases include verticillium wilt and gray mold. Sclerotinia is treated with prohexine, nongrill, sucrose spray, or chlorothalonil and sulfacin; anthrax is treated with 25% prochloraz, 75% chlorothalonil spray; melon smog , Tomato late blight can be used fluoride Mn-Zn, Anke, Kelu, antivirus vanadium spray control; eggplant verticillium wilt can be used carbendazim, Green Hunter II Irrigation root, even against 2-3 times. Insect pests mainly include locusts, hummocks, and tea yellow pods. Aphids and thrips are treated with imidacloprid; thrips can be treated with good winter or green tofu; and tea astragalus is treated with clomazone or green.

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