Several factors that should be considered in the improvement of special culture

Market Trends Farmers should fully understand the market trends of the selected projects, and identify the laws based on the product price curve of the project in recent years, and should not be deceived by the temptation of high price recovery.

Environmental conditions The cultivation of special animals requires specific environmental conditions. Appropriate environmental conditions will reduce the cost of breeding and increase animal output. On the contrary, it will increase the cost of breeding and reduce the production performance of special animals. Therefore, farmers should fully consider whether the local natural environment meets the culture conditions of the special raised animals when selecting special breeding projects. For example, fur animals in the south of China are far less able to breed furs than in the north. They are also affected by high temperature, high humidity, and other conditions. Animals are prone to various diseases such as dermatitis.

Carefully introducing breeding stocks directly affects the success or failure of special aquaculture, and farmers should fully understand the performance of selected varieties at home and abroad and disease conditions, and consult breeding experts when necessary. To prevent some people from using the cultivators' eagerness to become wealthy, use fake seeds to bury fish farmers.

Feed source farmers should consider feed sources when selecting aquaculture projects. Especially when the local feed cannot meet the needs of the animal, more attention should be paid to whether it is prepared in advance. Otherwise, it will fall into a passive state during breeding and cause losses to the production. For example, for raising snakes or cockroaches, the main feed is a small living animal. Whether there is a sufficient source in the local area is a prerequisite for breeding the animal.

Special breeding stocks for funds are expensive, feed requirements are high, and aquaculture costs are high. Animal breeding has a certain periodicity and production cannot be stopped in the middle. The shortage of funds will cause difficulties in the supply of production materials during the production process. Early treatment of young animals or animal products that do not meet the standard will result in low production efficiency and failure of breeding.

Scientific management farmers should choose breeding projects that they can master breeding techniques, and continue to learn during the production process, sum up their practical experience, and consult specialists or hire professional and technical personnel to provide guidance when necessary.

Diversified species of special cultured animals have a variety of value trends. For example, meat dogs have both meat value and medicinal value. Therefore, special breeders should carry out redevelopment or deep processing according to the characteristics of the animals they are raising, such as processing pigs' feces into pig feed and reducing inputs.

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