Not afraid to eat cold! 3 days and 9 cold dishes

Farmhouse four small steam

Steamed rice tofu: Rice tofu cut into small squares. Add appropriate amount of chilli paste, monosodium glutamate, salad oil, soy sauce, mix well, and fill in the small clams. Steam for 20 minutes and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

2. steamed chicken: chicken roasted into small squares, soaked in water for 2 hours to salt. Into the pan until crispy, remove. Dry red pepper segment, minced garlic, ginger, until fragrant, and mix well with the preserved chicken into a small bowl. Add red oil, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine. Steam over 1.5 hours and sprinkle with green onion.

3. Steamed eggplant: cut long strips of eggplant. Salt, a little MSG, salad oil, soy sauce appropriate amount, minced garlic mix, Sheng into a small bowl. Steam for 20 minutes and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

4. Steamed Spareribs: Small rows of pigs were chopped into small pieces. Add Laoganma hot sauce, red millet pepper, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, salad oil, mix well, and fill in a small bowl. Steam for 1 hour and sprinkle with green onion.

Long-term beef

Raw materials: 600 grams of yellow beef with skin, 20 grams of green red pepper, and 20 grams of onion.

Seasoning: 1 onion (knotted), 1 ginger block, 5 grams of garlic, 1 sachet of halogen material, 5 grams of green garlic, 5 grams of salt, 3 grams of MSG, 100 grams of salad oil (10 grams of actual consumption), pepper oil , cooking wine, sesame oil, oyster sauce, and US fresh soy sauce are all slightly different.


1. Wash the beef and drip the water to blood foam. Green, red pepper cut oblique circle, onion shred, green garlic cut segment spare.

2. Put the water in the pot, put into the halogen material package, ginger block, onion knot, marinate for 2 hours, remove the beef and cut into 2 cm thick pieces of meat.

3. The wok gets hot and the beef is put into the fish for a while.

4. Keep a little base oil in the pot, add garlic and green, red pepper circle burst saute. Add salt, monosodium glutamate, oyster sauce, cooking wine, and US fresh soy sauce, and continue to stir until the nose is savory, the meat is rotten, and the yam and pepper oil is poured into a griddle pan that has been covered with onion and sprinkled with garlic.

Liling Xiao Chaorou

Raw materials: 300 grams of pork loin and 50 grams of pork fat.

Seasoning: 5 grams of ginger, garlic, garlic, 15 grams of green and red millet, 2 grams of salt, 2 grams of MSG, 2 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of oyster sauce, 2 grams of soy sauce, and 2 grams of soy sauce. 5 grams of cooking wine, 30 grams of salad oil, 2 grams of sesame oil.


1. Wash the tenderloin and fat meat and cut into thin slices. Tenderloin marinated in soy sauce for half an hour. Green and red millet pepper cut circle.

2. Put a little oil in the pot and heat it, put it in the fat and stir-fry until it is rolled up into a lamp-like nest, pour a little soy sauce, cooking wine, and then pour into the marinated tenderloin. The fire quickly stirs until the fillets mature. Pot spare.

3. In addition, stir fry pan and heat the oil, add ginger, garlic, bean paste, green, red millet pepper fragrant, add meat, stir stir a few, add salt, monosodium glutamate, the United States very fresh soy sauce, Soy sauce, garlic, stir well, pour sesame oil pan.

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